Tuesday, February 23, 2016

"Today I Read..."

Today I realized something that made me feel calm and content for a moment. 

If I were able to record myself throughout the day I think the words I say the most are "Today I read..." an article, a book, this thing about, something, anything, I'm always reading.I'm always drawing information into my brain every chance I get.

Maybe that is why I don't agree with the statistic that videos are a better way to draw an audience to your social media site, I hardly ever play the audio of videos, and more often than not I scroll right past.

I think on those days when I feel like I've wasted time not using my degree or not enough or not in the right way, I can know that it taught me to read. 

Not how to read but how to look at writing and get more from the story than the story itself, to always want to know what's being said, to always want to know new things. I may not have a regular output of material but it's always coming in. 

My ability to see it gets better every day, watching TV like, "Whoa I need to know who that is" or "Is that's true?" "Who made this art?" or "Who owns this restaurant?" or "How do they do it?" 

I don't remember it all, and it's not always as interesting as I thought, but that's ok because it's still new information to me.

And I like talking about it. Not in a teacher way were I could come up with it for an hour and half long class every day. But in a, hey, person near me, I-bet-you-didn't-know-this-fact-I-now-know kind of way. 

That is how all my stories start with, "Today I read..."